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Revamp EduCloud Features


  • Organized content

Each course is a channel that manages the content that you add to your eLearning platform. Create as many courses as you have topics to teach.

  • Embedded video content

Add your video content either on YouTube or your private storage included with your subscription.

  • Multimedia Assets

Add all kinds of content to your courses: videos, links, PDF presentations, documents, infographics, web pages, and quizzes.

  • Upcoming Events

Show all upcoming events including university/school events, assignments due dates and quiz dates.

  • Multi-language

Your website is translatable in as many languages as you want, including Arabic.

  • Conditional Activities

Restrict the availability of any learning activity according to certain conditions such as dates, grade obtained or other activity completion.

  • Progress

Keep track of participation in the course with easy to understand indicators of completion and progress.

    • Google Drive & Office 365

    Use files from your Google Drive or Office 365. Use single sign on with Office 365.

    • Zoom integration

    Easily create a new Zoom meeting, sync back its recording, and grade it as a learning activity.

    • eCommerce Add-on

    Sell your courses on your webshop. Get your students to complete their payment before they enroll.


    • Question types

    The test you create can have up to 14 question types: true/false, matching, short text, essay, numerical, numerical with error margin, single or multiple choice answers, drag & drop text and drag & drop images.

    • Randomized tests

    Define if the test includes all the questions or a randomized selection from multiple question banks with different difficulty levels, or different academic coverage, reducing the chances of answer sharing.

    • Instant or delayed feedback

    Your students can check their answers against the right ones after each question (ideal for practice tests) or after the exam is submitted or never.


    • Grading & Passing scores

    Define a grade for each question and the minimum score required to pass the test. Also, change the questions order.

    • Time & Attempt limits

    Define a time limit for your tests. Also, how many times a student can try to pass the test, if he should be awarded the highest score or average score of these attempts. Finally, the test could always be available or be only open for few hours/days.

    • Examinee Experience

    Students can see the set time limit with count down counter, questions status whether answered or not, flagged questions, and grade for each question. A browser is all what he needs to answer the test, even for drag & drop questions.


    • Messaging

    Bring everyone closer through communication between administrators, teachers, parents and students.

    • Polls & Annoncements

    Keep everyone updates with Annoncements, and get their feedback using polls.

    • Forums, chats, workshops

    Open discussion forums on the course level. Encourage collaboration projects using workshops.


    • Notifications & Email alerts

    Personalized notifications for events such as new forum post or anew assignment needs grading.

    • Badges

    Motivate and recongnize those who mastered a skill. Award them manually or based on a set criteria.

    Manage Students

    • Dashboard

    Customized bird-eye view with quick links & drill-down ability.

    • Admission

    Full admission cycle starting from online application submission, internal review process and finally enrollment.

    • Security

    Standard user roles. Custom user levels with custom permissions. Access log audit log.

    • Scheduling & Courses

    Schedules, trainer(s), credit hours & grade
    levels. Max. seat availability per course.

    • Attendance & Discipline

    Track attendance absence summaries & details. Also, incidents frequency and types.

    • Communications

    Share academic calendar, events calendar & announcements and conduct polls.

    • Students Information

    Manage students & alumni profiles including contacts, medical, scanned documents, grades, attendance discipline.

    • Search & Export

    Powerful search. Extensive reports, export to Excel.

    • Grades

    Generates report cards, GPA & transcripts. Migrate your historical data to the system.

    • Library

    Manage library documents (books, magazines, etc.) and lend to students,
    parents and staff.

    Manage Accounting

    • Student Accounting

    Build accurate trusted students’ accounting practice. Get paid faster through electronic invoicing and automated follow-ups and reminders.

    • Payment and Bank Reconciliation

    Simplify payment process for your payers through accepting different payment options, save time and automate payment reconciliation

    • Analytical Accounting

    Analyze in real-time cost and profitability through dynamic cost and profit centers

    • Assets Management

    Track your assets and let the system automatically create assets depreciation entries, and post them in the due time.

    • Budgeting

    Utilize budgeting capabilities to plan your desired financial outcome and then measure your actual performance against the plan. Become more intentional with the way money is spent and prioritize your work to meet financial goals.


    • Dynamic Statements

    Easily create your earnings report, balance sheet or cash flow statements. Quickly filter, zoom, annotate and compare any data. Use business intelligence’s cubes to report across any dimension.

    • Accounts payable

    Register vendor bills, track your aged payable balances, and pay vendors for the correct
    amount at the right time (not too late, not too early; depending on your vendor policy).

    • Cash & Bank

    Manage as many bank accounts as needed, import your bank statements to keep track of the financial movements that occur on your bank accounts and reconcile them with the transactions recorded in your accounting